Machine Learning Summer School on Applications in Science 2023

Group of Machine Learning Research (GMUM) at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, ML in PL Association and IDEAS NCBR are organizing a Machine Learning Summer School on Applications in Science 2023 (MLSS^S). The event will last a week, it will take place from June 26th till July 2nd 2023, on-site in Cracow, Poland. We aim to gather participants from all over the world, including international speakers from top academic and industry research institutions.

We invite the participants to collaborate with us on various ongoing research projects - learn more here.

You can also visit the website of the school.

The 2022 edition of the summer school, which focused on Machine Learning and Neuroscience, was a tremendous success. We gathered over 100 academics and PhD students, as well as 18 distinguished speakers, for a week of learning, networking, and sharing the ML and Neuroscience knowledge. Join us this year!

Contact Us

Group of Machine Learning Research
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
ul. Lojasiewicza 6
30-342, Cracow, Poland